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Flat Cut  or  Plain Sliced

Half the log is mounted on a large steel rack which moves up and down through a fixed knife.  After a series of vertical, parallel cuts it produces consecutive leaves of veneer with the standard appearance of veneer.  This method produces the most symmetrical structured cathedral and is often used for higher end furniture components and architectural furnishings.


Half Round Slicing

This is a combination of both flat cut and rotary.  Half of the log is mounted so that it will cause the blade to cut across the growth rings slightly.  This is typically done to gain wider widths on smaller dimension logs or to accentuate the grain in certain species such as burls.



Quarter Cut

A quarter of the log or flitch is mounted to the table so that the growth rings strike the knife at a right angle. Quartered leaves are cut consecutively and are narrower than plain sliced and generate a straighter grain. Also produces some flake due to cutting through medullary rays primarily in oaks.



Rift Cut

Similar to true quarter cut in that it generates narrow straight grain consecutive leaves. However, it is cut at a 15° angle off from the quartered position. This is done to minimize the flake effect of medullary rays primarily in oak.




Rotary Cut

An entire log is mounted so that it rotates against an advancing knife peeling off a continual sheet of veneer which can be cut to a determined width. This creates large sheets of a sometimes bold or wild grained appearance. Occasionally the log is scored to generate consecutive sheets primarily in burls and bird's eye maple.



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Contact us at  jpurk@icwpanels.com
Last modified: 03/18/09

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